Information from the end of June:
over a month it's raining , Almost daily, the effects do not have to wait long. Unfortunately, we were finally
first trouble with fungal diseases.
Brown, withered spots on leaves and even whole dried-leaves.
addition on the lower side of leaf white coating. A few plants are able to tragic.
disease developed literally in one day, but you must monitor the state of plants very carefully. After several consultations
diagnosis: downy mildew, but some signs indicate that the cuttings can also be a gray mold.
photo below symptoms:

Originally done spraying Dithane, which was a prophylactic measure, and with such advanced disease has not brought the desired effects.
The second spray applied the measures already in the system, which act as both powdery mildew and gray mold.
This time, the effect was visible after a few days. Complete inhibition of disease development on infected planting material and lack of symptoms in the other.
After a long time could not even see a new healthy leaves on the cuttings, which had previously spisywaliĆmy at a loss, but the gap in development between the seedlings and those who suffered from healthy starts with a very obviously bigger.
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