It's time for knockout pasierbów.Odpowiednie remove these unwanted shoots that allows plants with the steady and fast wzrost.Niestety due to the lack of experience and incomplete knowledge of the operation, we managed to make quite a big mistake.
Precisely, for some (thankfully) bushes, approached too ambitious for the case and all pasierby usuwaliśmy and for being at the same Lozi.
What effect is that on these shrubs began to take off shoots of winter for us!

It is worth remembering, because taking off in the middle of winter buds in August this same problem and the need to reduce high shrub in the spring of next year.
And, of course shrubs podwiązywać to the posts in order to grow vertically, any bend the vine or increase in a direction other than vertical, the signal gave the plant to release additional stepchildren (read extra work) and inhibits the growth of the vine.
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