Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Where To Find All The Holoplans For Rhyno

sensational discovery in the Gate hilly

Although previous studies have not announcing anything like that, it turned out that the Highland Gate hid unique in Polish monument. During the ongoing renovation of the structure discovered fragments of the drawbridge.
There were no signs that the gate hides some surprises. It seemed that the work carried out in the 70s It has been well inventoried. Meanwhile, during renovation work was carried out on the floor, it was discovered pine beams, which are elements of the drawbridge mechanism. Six

crossbeams, a longitudinal and two oblique, was placed under the old holes to strings or cords. The beams there are also holes and slots on the journals of other elements.

- This may indicate that the observed beams are part of the structure, used to pull up the drawbridge. Drawbridge was originally composed of three overpasses: one designed for vehicles and two pedestrians - explained in the opinion of the conservator Catherine Dareck , conservator of the History Museum, to which the Highland Gate.

preserved structure constitutes a unique example of the former, probably the Renaissance, the engineering system, used for pulling up the drawbridge. Today it is difficult to say exactly how they looked winches or drums, used for winding strings.

- We are very excited about this discovery. It is unique in Polish. The only such structure is preserved in the Czech Republic - excited to Marcin Tyminski , a spokesman for the Regional Conservator of Monuments. - has already been issued the decision on conservation and preservation of beams. Renovation project you will need to adjust the gate to find. Not published its decision on whether exposure - he adds.

Why have these elements been discovered?

- The gate was rebuilt in 1835, the year of 1870 liquidated the moat, probably during this period were covered podczepianym beam ceiling which hid them for years - explains Mariusz Lewandowski, director of economic MHMG. - Although construction has been produced by the method used in the seventeenth century, the survey showed timber that it comes from the nineteenth century.

MHMG has decided that a recommendation from the Conservator of the beam will be preserved, however, will not be displayed. On the first floor, where it was discovered, it will include conference room. Post will not delay the renovation work.

upland Gate Builders started in July this year. End of 2011, the gate will change from the hanger on the banners in the modern Tourist Information Centre of the Pomeranian Region.

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