I'll tell you a secret that selecting a five-five images from dozens sent in - it's not so easy thing ...
I am sorry that I could not reward everyone. Nevertheless, I thank warmly all those who sent in their pictures. It's nice that przyłączyliście the fun. :)
Below I present the winning entries, which the company Nikon affixed your descriptions. Congratulations
ideas and interesting photos!
winners, please give me your e-mail addresses, which will be sent to the book "Anyone can cook Jamie Oliver.
Best wishes! :)
"I'm a guitarist. A classic of the claws.
- author: Paul from the blog Lendryggen
"I send pictures cream asparagus with cardamom, ginger and rosemary, served with grilled prawns, who cries:
is an aphrodisiac "
- author: Natalia from the blog Hob survival school
I'm myself.
Photo, though I suppose I figured out shows noodles. soba noodles. association came to mind instantly. Especially that is true. Do not try to pretend to be anyone, I show myself as I am. I'm just - you.
- author: Olive blog Cinnamon and Olive
I'm sweet - sour
- author: Kini from the blog yummy.lifestyle
'm feisty
- author: Paul from Just My blog Delicious
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