"Pomorskie Regional Board gave the green light to the implementation of the Metropolitan Railway as the best for the residents. There will two tracks, after which they will go electric trains.
Metropolitan Railway Construction will cost 719.1 mln zł, of which 85 per cent. - 611.2 mln zł - Will come from the European Union. This is comparable to the amount of expenditure on construction of a second subway in Warsaw. Metropolitan Railway in the section from Wrzeszcz to Osowa in Gdansk will be implemented according to the most convenient option for passengers. This means that in mid 2015, we'll go from Gdansk Glowny the new terminal at the airport during Rębiechowo of electric trains. This will take no longer than 25 minutes. Disposal will have eight new stops, including an underground station at Street.
On Thursday, the Pomorskie Regional Board gave the green light to the implementation of the project by the company Pomeranian SA Metropolitan Railway.
- Building the line we hope to have the support of the local governments of Gdansk and Gdynia, which are wanting to popularize the Metropolitan Railway, should build an inclusive Strzyża nodes, Rakoczy, Sparrow Pond , Matarnia, Osowa, Karviná and Wielki Kack - says Mieczyslaw Struk , Speaker of Parliament of the Province of Pomerania.
investment will be divided into two tasks. The first is the construction of double track line from the airport in Gdansk to the railway line Kościerzyna-Gdynia and implementation of a temporary stop Gdańsk Airport to the platforms. In this section does not rise to the overhead contact line, which will be at the event supported by rail buses. Construction will begin in October 2011 and will be ready in May 2012,
second, much larger part of the investment will involve the construction of double track line from the station to Wrzeszcz Gdańsk in Gdansk Airport with stops. Then it will be executed line electrification along the entire length of the Osowa Wrzeszcz and station will be built in Barniewicach. With this task the contractor will have to deal until 2015
Already in April this year SA will select the contractor PKM project, and in May will make a proposal for funding from the European Union. Then it should be in the hands of the environmental decision for the construction of railways. "
Matt Naskręt
/ Source: trojmiasto.pl /
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