As usual, I wore feminine. : D change. There are no big, but this tiny, cosmetic, almost unnoticeable. :) On the face mask
refreshing and relaxing massage hands-disabled toilet. At home in the bosom minimal interior design revolutions. In the recesses of some new kitchen gadgets. A new look on the blog. :) Small and enjoys.
I hope that you, everybody here zaglądającym, love the new, a little simpler and clearer in the colors of the image of Pepper and Vanilla. :)
From time to time come to such periods that explicitly bless full gary large meatballs, but the thick, viscous soups, beans in tomato sauce and the like. I know, sometimes boring, when the third time in a row seat at the same tastes. Oh well. It goes live. The compensation is thought to have another pot of similar content to show up probably no faster than a few months. :)
This time was different. Preparation of dishes such as "jednogarkowiec" cry of despair was not busy mother and wife. :)
Fortunately not this time. :) Do you remember a recent entry
of adzuki bean lentils ? Had already announced that it will soon return to fasolowych. The word has been said. This is a continuation of my kitchen cleaning and airing cupboard. :)
This time we dug up the very popular bean Hansel and my beloved chickpeas. Just one glance into the fridge and decided: no-baked-beans. :) In free translation it means white sausage, tomatoes, beans and chickpeas. Without the bacon, no onions, and podwędzanych meats, which are usually the traditional bean land.
did not end up on the big Garza, but in such an ordinary family pot. :)
White sausage in tomato sauce, with beans and chick peas Hansel
5-6 white pork sausages (I mean raw sausage)
about 150g dried beans Hansel
about 150g dried chickpeas (or 1 can of chickpeas of pickle)
2 bay leaves ½ teaspoon dried
½ teaspoon dried thyme, savory
pinch (about 1 / 3 teaspoon) balls
5-6 coriander
about 700 ml tomato passata quality
salt and pepper to taste pinch of powdered
chilii (to taste)

next day, drain the soaking water and pour about 700 ml of fresh water. Bring to a boil. Put the bay leaves and pour in the hands of pounded dried spices. Cook on low heat, covered, until beans and chickpeas are tender. In the meantime (when the water is still a lot) into the pot raw sausages and burn until there will be severe. Ready
sausage removed from the pot. When przestygną - removed from their skin and meat cut into fairly large pieces.
into the pot with the beans soft enough add the passata tomato. Bring to a boil. Season to taste with salt, pepper and chilli. Boil, uncovered, for about 10 minutes. Place the sausage pieces and cook for another 5 minutes.
Serve hot with bread.
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