Yesterday was the heat almost unbearable ... As in the middle of the hot summers.
The work finished a very long stage. So long that when the bloated tomiska records were finally closed and goodbye - all felt like the school year ... Just like the day on which picks up Cenzurka, closes a busy life, and opens the holiday time, play and rest. Feeling pretty surreal, given the fact that none of us are not waiting for a two month break from their duties.
And nothing I did not want. Just lazy. I tuck in ice cream. :) Dinner at the lowest line of resistance. But in the spring - summer tone.
And today, again it was day and every day. A simple way to work, regular duties, new themes, cool breeze, no heat and unwanted bubble in the melt. House blast somewhere in the night sailed. It does not matter, because this is only true of me. :)
Spring salad green heavily
2-3 servings
2-3 handfuls of arugula bunch of green asparagus
small bunch of fresh broccoli
ukrojonych flakes of parmesan or pecorino
handful of pine nuts
about 2 teaspoons balsamic vinegar dense
about 2 teaspoons of olive oil extra virgin
salt to taste (preferably coarse - I used "maldon")
asparagus and broccoli wash. Szparagom woody stems cut off, and broccoli florets cut out.
In a large pot salted water to boil. Broccoli florets and asparagus in boiling water to move and cook for about 3-5 minutes. (No longer, vegetables should be slightly firm and not overcooked.) Strain and toughen cold water. Put the vegetables on a paper towel to absorbed water.
roasted pine nuts in dry skillet.
arugula, asparagus and broccoli spread on the plates. Sprinkle with parmesan cheese, pine nuts, and salt, and drizzle a little olive oil and balsamic vinegar.
Serve immediately.
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