Angielski offer
my name is Pavel, I live in Moscow. I work on my own genealogy and also help to several friends with that.
I'd like to offer you my services, and to propose a flexible pricing.
1. I have several books and sources at my home, and if I find any of your ancestors in them, you pay $10 per one person . All sources are different, so there might be different information: somewhere - only name and address or occupation, somewhere - names of all family and dates of birth and death.
2. There might be another persons in that sources with the same last name, information on them would cost $5 per each .
3. As I live in Moscow, I can work in archives based in Moscow - state and municipal. Researches in them are more difficult and lasting, but information is richer, so the price would be $50 per one person .
4. If your ancestors are from other regions, and there is no information on them in Moscow's archives, I can help you to get information from other archives with the help of workers of archives. Your prices on the reseaches of this type would be: official price of an archive + 10% (my commission for preparing requests and coordination of work) + $10 per page (translation, if you need it).
If you are interested, you can leave me a comment or send me an e-mail.
My address is spastafiev (at) gmail (dot) com
Regards, Pavel
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